Untreated Water |
Zeta Core© Treated Water |
Simple Version of How the Catalytic Conditioner Works. As water passes through the Zeta Core© catalytic water conditioner an electrical current (provided by a transformer or ground) is discharged into the water. The electrons delivered decrease the surface tension of the water and inhibit the formation of scale/mineral build-up and hard water spots. The Zeta Core© water conditioner increases the "Zeta Potential" which keeps mineral particles from coming in contact with one another.
THE ZETA CORE© WATER CONDITIONER is a self-contained unit consisting of a copper or stainless steel casing that contains a non-ferrous, catalytic core. This patented core is a special alloy casting containing curved, multiple venturis passageways and composed of several non-ferrous metals. When water flows through the unit at a nominal rate of 6 to 10 ft. per second, the powerful catalytic effects of the alloy itself, together with the effects of the multiple venturis, produce an electromotive force that provides extremely effective water conditioning. The core does not corrode and requires minor electrical current and no additives or chemicals. It is essential that the unit or transformer is properly grounded.
Adhesive compounds, such as alumina and silica, that surround the minerals are:
1) repelled and removed from the minerals,
2) go into solution, and
3) remain in solution even at higher temperatures.
This renders the “hardness” in the water harmless to plumbing components, plant roots, and soil. With the cohesion between mineral particles in the water eliminated, the minerals pass through the water system without building up in the system or on surfaces outside the system. The conditioned water is also “wetter” and clearer. Removal of the adhesive compounds from the minerals is evidenced by the fact that the small amount of mineral residue from drops of conditioned water that have dried on mirrors and chrome fixtures is easily removed with a damp cloth without leaving crusty hard water stains.The gaseous ions in the water are also conditioned. Entrapped corrosive ions such as chlorine (C1) are then able to gather together into stable, harmless, non-corrosive, non-foaming bubbles (C12) that release themselves from the water when the water comes out of a faucet. This results in better tasting, non-corrosive water. In the ionic (C12) form, chlorine stays in solution and cannot easily release itself from the water and escape into the atmosphere.
Catalytically conditioned water also dissolves the adhesives in existing lime and scale build-up in the plumbing system, resulting in release and elimination of the lime/scale build-up. As water passes through the conditioner, the mineral lime/scale molecules in the water are rearranged and remain re-arranged. This molecular rearrangement causes the existing lime/scale rust to dissolve and to be purged out of the system. This is evidenced by the ability of the Catalytic Conditioner to eliminate lime/scale rust build-up in water heaters, cooling towers, evaporative coolers, ice machines, galvanized and copper pipes, valves, and water fixtures.The ZETA CORE© CATALYTIC WATER CONDITIONER conditions water just as well during maximum flow as it does during moderate flow. It is not quite as effective during slow flow rates when the water is conditioned mainly by the quiescent influence of the alloy material of the core. It is most effective during normal usage when water passes through it at rates fast enough to generate the venturi and emf effects (at approximately 6 feet per second minimum). For this reason, “down sizing” a conditioner in a system will improve overall performance rather than hamper it. Also, two units in a series enhance conditioning, and may be needed in rare cases for extremely hard water. Each conditioner has been engineered so that it will cause minimum pressure drop when installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and flow rate chart.